283 Penrose Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland 1060 Phone : 09 570 2999 Email : info@mtwellingtondocs.co.nz
What can I do?
book an appointment (day or night)
request "repeat prescriptions"
send brief messages (like secure email)
view your lab results
view immunisations
view your medical records
Access Online portal
Want to sign up?
Call the clinic and sign up over the phone
09 570 2999
What is Health 365?
Health 365 is a patient portal which is similar to online banking. A patient portal provides you with secure access to view your own medical record and notes.
It allows you to request repeat prescriptions.
It allows you to make appointments online.
It allows you to view immunisations and medical records.
It allows you to send brief messages to your doctor.
How can I sign up?
Call reception on 09 570 2999 with your email address.
What can I do?
book an appointment (day or night)
request "repeat prescriptions"
send brief messages (like secure email)
view your lab results
view immunisations and medical records
How does it work?
You can log in whenever, once you have your log-in information
Download the user guide below to get detailed information about how it works.